Fall 2020 Crew Schedule:
View the schedule in Office 365
Click to Call Andrew at 616-802-8244
Review the lists with all positions – make sure they are ready to go
Practice parts of the show (Anthem, Intros/Outros, closing)
Watch system overview video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgAkbbmxwhs
Review and practice cutting, fading, and other transitions
Practice using the T-bar – manual transitions
Check transitions used for replay – new this week
Work with Graphics person – Make sure that graphics are working properly. (Graphics will be in charge of changing them, but TD will be responsible for bringing them in and out.)
Practice switching to “clips” and running commercials. NOTE: there are some commercials that should not be used.
Work with audio – they will bring up the audio for the commercials.
TIP: if you click a second commercial, it will go straight to it, not wait for the first to be over!! Wait until the commercial is over (there’s a countdown on the big screen and on the switcher!) and then click the second video.
Be on Headset – there and ready? Stay on it before in case cameras (or others) need to communicate back to the trailer.
During the show you won’t be talking too much, but keep the headset on! It helps narrow in on the director.
Software – Open Scriber
Check to see what graphics need to be edited
Make sure the scoreboard is working.
Load the images to use to edit a premade graphic template.
Make sure you’re using “quick export” to save the graphics
Is scoreboard data being received?
Make sure to have the graphics cued early so the TD can use them –
Pay attention to the game, and make sure to press the action graphics when need be.
Watch the video on the replay machine and make sure you know which button does what.
https://youtu.be/HQBn0uD5Erw and https://youtu.be/Te3WzVDVsEc
Make sure you understand how to turn the wheel back for a replay and know which screen it’s going to be on A or B and pick the best camera angle.
When the players are on the field I would practice on replaying the last throw or catch that they had, during the game after every play I would have the replay ready just in case and 75 speed is the best so always have it on that, you also don’t need to hit the IN button just hit the OUT button before a replay and I always kept it on either A or B its just easier and faster.
Work with input faders – camera inputs, Mac music input, clips (commercials and roll-ins). Will need to work with TD to have them play the commercials.
Make sure everything sounds good (bring headphones). Be careful not to clip the audio (when it’s too high and sounds bad).
Work with output faders – main feed out
Import music and create a music loop on mac. Practice bringing this in (quickly react, slowly bring in) where there is dead air. Slowly fade out under announcers…the about 30 seconds later, remove entirely. Good transitions.
Camera 1
Run cables up to the roof (may grab the PAs to help you).
Set up tripod
Attach camera
Connect the controls to the camera from the arms of the tripod
Attached cables and power to the camera
Put the monitor on top of the camera – little cable from the camera to the monitor.
Set up the headset, make sure it is working (test with TD in the trailer).
Check your white balance, focus, and exposure before shooting
Make sure the pan and tilt lock are unlocked and make sure the camera is level.
Practice smoothly gliding the camera, and following fast-moving objects while in a close-up shot
LOCK camera whenever you leave it.
Camera 2 & 3
Get camera from the trailer, bring up to pressbox.
Attach camera to fluid head.
Connect the controls to the camera from the arms of the tripod.
Attached cables and power to the camera.
Put the monitor on top of the camera – little cable from the camera to the monitor first.
Set up the headset, make sure it is working (test with TD in the trailer).
Check your white balance, focus, and exposure before shooting
Make sure the pan and tilt lock are unlocked and make sure the camera is level.
Practice smoothly gliding the camera, and following fast-moving objects while in a close-up shot
LOCK camera whenever you leave it.
Wireless Camera 4
Unpack the Camera and attach the battery and wireless video adapter.
Run cable snake to the roof (along side the cables for camera 1).
Take wireless video and wireless communication systems onto the roof.
Attach and plugin both systems to the truck.
Make sure the video system on the roof and on the back of the camera is set to the same channel.
Test wireless communication system
Communicate with the remote truck personnel to see if both systems are working. (go on the field to test)
Communicate with head ref (white hat) that you’re with the video crew – Take the director with you.
Stay on Ferris’s home sidelines and don’t go past goalposts.
Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when players are coming toward you.
The other 3 cameras can cover the game, when someone scores get the reactions! Players, refs, audience.
Production Assistants
Camera PA:
Giant white card for white balance during the show.
Pregame: Visit the camera operators to see if they have questions or concerns. Help troubleshoot issues with the handheld camera by running cabling across the pathway and up to the side roof. Help director and others carry stuff from point A to B in a timely manner. Overall just be a helpful person to the crew.
During game:
Whitebalance cameras (as the light changes).
Help camera 4, relieve them if they need a break
Post: Help anyone and everyone teardown the equipment.
Audio PA
Help the audio person with anything they need.